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Perhentian Island Accommodation Guide & How to Book!

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If you’re reading this you may have already searched for Perhentian Islands Accommodation on and many other booking sites and realised there aren’t many hotels available online for the Perhentian Islands or at least the only options you see are more expensive hotels and resorts! Not ideal for backpackers to the Perhentian Islands!

This is what happened to me as I was backpacking Malaysia and it made me doubt visiting the Perhentian Islands as although I heard I should just ‘turn up and look like the old days’, I hadn’t done that for years!

However I can confirm that there is plenty of accommodation on the Perhentian Islands on both the big island aka Perhentian Besar and the small island aka Perhentian Kecil, I turned up and found accommodation totally fine (although note that I went in March in low season), and some of the accommodation not bookable in advance on booking sites can be reserved in advance via contact details on their website once you know what options are available which is where I’m going to help with this post.

For more information on the Perhentian Islands, especially the small Perhentian Island and which beaches are best, have a read of my full guide to the Perhentian Islands here.

Perhentian Islands Accommodation

The Wandering Quinn Travel Blog Perhentian Islands Accommodation

As I stayed on the small Perhentian Island this is the island I know most about it terms of accommodation but I have noted some accommodation on the big island too. I have broken it down into sections to help you work out what is the best accommodation on the Perhentian Islands for you and your budget:

Perhentian Kecil / Small Perhentian Island Accommodation.

Hotels & Resorts in Perhentian Kecil Bookable Online:

Let’s start with the easy option. There is accommodation online for the Perhentian islands that you can book directly via a booking site like which is what I use to book all of my accommodation.

The options are all hotels and resorts on the Perhentian Islands with the most amenities and higher quality accommodation.

They are not the most backpacker budget friendly and the ones that are have lower reviews, but if you have a higher budget these options will work for you. If possible I do recommend you do book in advance to guarantee a room, especially if you are travelling as a Family to the Perhentian Islands and / or in high season.

There are also some camp sites on the Perhentian Islands which are bookable online and I have detailed them at the bottom of the post.

Senja Bay Resort on Coral Beach benefits from being right on the beach with ocean view bungalows and on a quiet spot on the beach. Some would say this is the best hotel resort on Perhentian Kecil.

Search For Availability at Senja Bay Resort Here.

Shari La Island Resort on Coral Beach which benefits from lots of amenities over a large site with good quality accommodation and I believe it stays open all year round which is not common for resorts on the Perhentian Islands.

Search For Availability at Shari La Island Resort Here.

Mimpi Resort on Long Beach is a new hotel and building right on the beach by the pier and it has swimming pool overlooking the beach.

Search For Availability at Mimpi Resort Here.

Bubu Villa on Long Beach offering Luxurious Villas and a Private Beach.

Search For Availability at Bubu Villas Here.

Bubu Resort on Long Beach at the other end of the beach to the Villa’s offering hotel type rooms.

Search For Availability at Bubu Resort Here.

Ombak Resort on Coral Beach has a dive school attached but also offers quality accommodation by the beach even if you do not dive.

Search For Availability at Ombak Resort Here.

Quiver Dive Team Dorm Rooms on Coral Beach offer Dorm Rooms which will work well if you want to go diving with them. This is the only dorm room accommodation on Coral Beach and it is right on the beach.

Search for Availability at Quiver Dive Hostel Here.

Alunan Resort on Petani Beach is a really unique place to stay that you can book online. Petani Beach is a small beach with only this Boutique Resort on giving a real private beach feel to it and one of the best hotel resorts on the Perhentian Islands because of this.

Search for Availability at Alunan Resort Here.

Cocohut Long Beach Resort near Long Beach but more inland offers private huts in a Jungle location.

Search for Availability at Cocohut Long Beach Resort Here.

Aina Garden on Long Beach offers bungalow style rooms in a garden environment very close to Long Beach. they also have a dorm room available for budget accommodation on the Perhentian Islands.

Search for Availability at Aina Garden Long Beach Here.

Seahorse Diver GuestHouse on Long Beach offer basic private rooms with ocean views and dorm rooms. This accommodation is great if you are looking to dive with them too.

Search for Availability at Seahorse Diver Guesthouse Here.

Amelia Cafe & Chalets on Coral Beach have bungalows to the side of their restaurant, they look basic but good with a garden and beach view.

Tivoli Backpackers is between Coral Beach and Long Beach, it’s the only place that sells itself completely as ‘backpacker accommodation’. It has hostel dorm rooms and private rooms. The building is decent and doesn’t have the rustic feel to it if you want to avoid the creepy crawlies that come with a basic hut but it does lack in atmosphere in terms of authentic island accommodation so if you want a beach side hut this is not the place.

Search for Availability at Tivoli Backpackers Here.

To see ALL the accommodation available online on both islands. Have a look here!

The Wandering Quinn Travel Blog Perhentian Islands Accommodation, Perhentian Islands best hotels and resorts Shari La Island Resort
Shari La Island Resort on Coral Beach – Bookable Online!
The Wandering Quinn Travel Blog best hotels and resorts on Perhentian Islands mimpi resort long beach
Perhentian Islands Accommodation, Mimpi Resort Long Beach – Bookable Online.

Book your bus to Kuala Besut which is the port town for the Perhentians Islands here on 12GO Asia! I recommend booking a bus in advance if you plan to go in high season to the Perhentian Islands!

The Wandering Quinn Travel Blog Perhentian Islands Accommodation, Best Perhentian Island Hotels and Resorts Bubu Villa Long Beach
BuBu Villa on Long Beach – Bookable Online.
The Wandering Quinn Travel Blog Perhentian Islands Accommodation, best perhentian island hotels and resorts ombak dive resort
Ombak Dive Resort on Coral Beach – Bookable online.
The Wandering Quinn Travel Blog Perhentian Islands Accommodation, best perhentian island hotels and resorts Tivoli Backpackers Hostel
Tivoli Backpackers Hostel on Jungle Path – Bookable Online.

Dive School Accommodation on Perhentian Kecil:

If you plan to dive on the Perhentian Islands or get your PADI on the Perhentian Islands, and you should as it’s one of the best and cheapest places to scuba dive in South East Asia, you can stay at one of the many dive schools on Perhentian Kecil that have accommodation on a dive and accommodation package which not only makes it more convenient as you’ll be onsite but also more cost-effective.

Ombak Dive School – Coral Beach, they have good quality accommodation with a nice restaurant onsite offering free accommodation with a dive course. Bookable Online Here.

Oh La La Divers – Long Beach, they advertise as having rooms, tents and beds onsite and offer free accommodation with a dive course. Website is Here.

Panorama Chalet – Long Beach, they have a really social atmosphere and have a big dive shop near by. Website is Here.

Quivers Dive School – Coral Beach, they offer basic dorm room accommodation next to the dive shop right on the beach. Bookable Online Here.

Seahorse Divers – Long Beach, they offer basic private and dorm room accommodation right on the beach. Bookable Online Here.

Related Post: My Full Guide to the Small Perhentian Island.

The Wandering Quinn Travel Blog Perhentian Islands Accommodation, best dive schools perhentian islands ombak dive resort
Ombak Dive Resort on Coral Beach – Bookable online.
The Wandering Quinn Travel Blog Perhentian Islands Accommodation, best dive schools and accommodation on perhentian islands long beach
Panorama Divers & Oh La La Divers on Long Beach.

Hotels, Chalets & Bungalows on Perhentian Kecil Not Online:

Aside from the above options you either need to turn up and look for accommodation at the above and below chalets, hotels and resorts or you can contact a number of them in advance via their websites or Facebook if they have contact details. If you are backpacking Malaysia and on a budget this is what I would recommend you do and I recommend you stay at one of the below places.

There are also places below which offer higher quality accommodation on smaller private beaches which also can only be booked via their website so do not rule this out if you want more luxury on the Perhentian Islands.

Accommodation on Long Beach Perhentian Kecil:

Matahari Chalet – I was recommended to stay here, they only had a room available in one of the buildings which wasn’t that nice and cost 100RM per night however they do have bungalows and huts for 70-130RM (low season prices) which vary due to size, having a fan or air con and these looked much nicer than the room inside the building so I would recommend this as a place to look. Visit Website Here.

Bintang View Chalet – Basic huts.

Symphony Village – Basic huts. FB Page Here.

Panorama Chalets – The most social looking place for backpackers on Long Beach, also advertising with Wifi which is not common on the islands.

Awatif Campsite – Right on the beach edge, tents are covered by trees above but very close together. FB Page Here.

Rock Garden Chalets – Accommodation on the hill overlooking the beach.

Aman Beach Resort – Good Quality accommodation in Garden close to Long Beach.

Lemon Grass Chalets – Basic huts and bungalows in a garden close to Long Beach. FB Page Here.

To SEE the Perhentian Islands and my Trip there, have a watch of this YouTube video!

The Wandering Quinn Travel Blog Perhentian Islands Accommodation, best hotels on Perhentian island long beach
Matahari Chalet on Long Beach.

Accommodation on Coral Beach Perhentian Kecil:

Butterfly Chalets is where I stayed which is at the end of Coral Beach and the opposite side of the pier, my room was very basic, I had regular encounters with a cockroach and a big spider but it had a fan, a good mosquito net and one of the best views from the balcony on Coral Beach and it cost only 50RM during low season (it goes up to 80RM in high season) with a minimum of 2 nights stay. The guy who runs it is called Barry and is super chilled, you turn up at the entrance and shout his name to find him where you see the check in and check out board.

Wanie Shop & Chalet are just as you get off the pier with accommodation behind the shop and cafe.

Fatimah Cafe & Chalet close to the pier have Bungalows behind their restaurant, they range in price from 40RM to 100RM (perhaps slightly higher in high season), they look good quality but don’t have a beach view. FB Page Here.

Aur Bay Chalet offer basic huts just off of the beach in a garden environment.

Maya Chalets offer basic huts behind the row of hammocks on the beach and next to Anti Gravity Divers.

Ewan’s Place and Cafe is just inland from Coral Beach, it has huts in a garden area, they look again basic but good. Although I did get told by someone that because they are made of iron they get very hot inside. FB Page Here.

The Wandering Quinn Travel Blog Perhentian Islands Accommodation, best accommodation on perhentian islands butterly chalet coral beach
Butterly Chalet on Coral Beach was my Perhentian Islands Accommodation!
The Wandering Quinn Travel Blog Perhentian Islands Accommodation, best accommodation on perhentian islands fatimah chalet coral beach
Fatimah Chatlet on Coral Beach behind their Cafe.
The Wandering Quinn Travel Blog Perhentian Islands Accommodation, best accommodation on perhentian islands ewans place coral beach
Ewan’s Bungalows near Coral Beach.

Accommodation on Mira Beach / Keranji Beach & Rainforest Beach Perhentian Kecil:

Keranji Beach Resort is on Keranji Beach, also known as Mira Beach. It is a beautiful beach with beautiful accommodation and a restaurant, it was my favourite find of my time on the island and I would go back to stay in this accommodation. This is good if you have more of a budget and want a private beach feel. Mira beach is definitely one of the best beaches on the Perhentian Islands. Their Prices and Contact Details are on their Website.

Crocodile Rock Villa’s have very new and fancier looking villages with a nice restaurant too. It’s very close to Rainforest Beach but not far from Coral Beach. This is a great option if you have more of a budget and want a nicer bungalow. They have Full Details on their Website.

The Wandering Quinn Travel Blog Perhentian Islands Accommodation, best accommodation on perhentian islands Mira Beach Bunaglows
Keranji Beach Resort. So amazing!
The Wandering Quinn Travel Blog Perhentian Islands Accommodation, best accommodation on perhentian islands Rainforest Beach
Rainforest Beach – These bungalows were being built when I went but I can’t see them online.

Camping on Perhentian Kecil:

Camping on the Perhentian Islands is a popular thing to do and a popular way to stay on the island, whether that’s because you want a more budget friendly accommodation option or you want to be at one with the nature on this Island.

Orang Hutan Camping is close to Rainforest Beach on the Western side of the island. It’s also bookable online here.

Rainforest Camping is just off Rainforest Beach inland. It’s also bookable online here.

Perhentian Besar / Big Perhentian Island Accommodation.

Hotels & Resorts Bookable Online on Perhentian Besar:

Perhentian Besar has a lot more hotels and resorts that are bookable online in advance on direct booking sites like which is what I use to book all my accommodation, as it’s the more commercialised island popular with families and known for it’s resort’s.

Luxury High Budget OptionsTuna Bay Island Resort, Perhentian Island Resort, Arwana Eco Resort & Beach Chalet.

Mid Range Good Quality OptionsThe Barat, Cozy Resort, New Cocohut Chalet, Suhalia Palace.

Budget Good Quality OptionsD’Rall Chalet, Samudra Beach Chalet, Flora Bay 1, Flora Bay 2, Jurukir Dive Resort.

To see ALL the accommodation available online on both islands. Have a look here!

In all honesty I don’t know what the situation is on the big Perhentian Island in terms of turning up without a booking however I’m confident that there are still hotels, bungalows and huts that are not featured online so if accommodation online is too expensive for you you could arrive and look once you are there.

Book your bus to Kuala Besut which is the port town for the Perhentians Islands here on 12GO Asia! I recommend booking a bus in advance if you plan to go in high season to the Perhentian Islands!

I hope this convinces you that there is Perhentian accommodation online, in high season April-September, I would recommend tying to reserve rooms online however if you are flexible you can just turn up too as this is the popular thing to do too as you can tell.

To SEE the Perhentian Islands and my Trip there, have a watch of this YouTube video!

More of my Perhentian Islands Posts: