Looking for a review of Jet2 Airlines? Based on my experience flying with Jet2 throughout Europe a number of times, here’s my Jet 2 review, some information on Jet2 and reasons to fly with them!
Jet2 Review!

Keep read for my Jet2 Review!
They’re Northern!
Jet2’s head office is in Leeds/Bradford airport which explains why all the staff I came across at Manchester airport and onboard were so friendly (no offence to the South) and generally nice people and I think their fun brand comes through in this too!
Recently they held a quiz where they had 20,000 free flights to win and their social media channels are all about customer interaction and I think that’s worth noting in this Jet2 review!

Manchester Airport.
UK Locations!
Jet2 currently from a lot of UK locations, not just up North. This means they’re pretty accessible no matter where you live or you’re staying in the UK!

Flying over green England!
Over 50 Destinations!
Whilst we’re on the subject of locations, they fly to over 50 Holiday, City and Ski Destinations throughout Europe, with NYC thrown in the mix too! That gives you a lot of choice!! Just check out that map below. The choice of flight destinations on over is a really positive for this Jet2 review!

Look at all these destinations from the UK, and now there’s even more so keep that in mind when looking up this Jet2 Review!
They’re Low Cost!
Jet2 is a low-cost airline which speaks for itself really! I’ve seen flights from as little as £28.00 each way which is really good!

Check-in and boarding was so easy!
Easy Check-in Service!
When I arrived at Manchester airport sleepy-eyed at 7:30 am I was welcomed by a self-service check-in machine which included checking in my own bag, it was so easy to work with no queues involved which is a bonus!
Great Flight Times!
Although I was tired at check-in, my flight to Budapest was at 9:30 am which is a really decent time compared to a lot of low-cost airlines flights, and our flight leaving Budapest was 17:30 so we had all day to enjoy the city and still got back at a reasonable time of 19:00ish! Jet2 really take their flight times seriously so its enjoyable for you to get up and fly and arrive back at a decent time!

Jet2 Airways offer great flight times, not like some companies!
Onboard Together Policy!
For the highlight of this Jet 2 Review and talking of having an enjoyable flight, in May 2015 Jet2 took a zero tolerance stance and now hold an ‘Onboard Together’ policy.
This basically means that if a passenger onboard is too drunk, disruptive, abusive to staff or other people on the plane etc then they have the right to prosecute them, re-route the flight at the persons expense and potentially ban them from flying!
At the start of the flight there is a message to ask you to respect everyone and behave and personally, I love this! People who are disruptive have no right to be and are in the wrong and Jet2 are taking this seriously to ensure that they do not attract this kind of flyer so that you will have an enjoyable flight!

Jet2 Onboard Together Policy, I like this!
Good Leg Room!
You are sitting in an economy seat so you can’t expect tooo much leg room but Jet2 certainly had a noticeable few inches more than other airlines I’ve flown with and we all know that that makes the flight that bit more enjoyable!

I had to include the good legroom on this Jet2 Airlines Review!
Handy Water Holder!
It’s extremely trivial and not many people may appreciate it but personally I loved this handy water holder on the side of the chair! It’s the little things hey!

I love this water holder!
TripAdvisor rated!
And finally, the holy grail of reviews- TripAdvisor rated Jet2 as the UK’s best airline due to it being in the top 10 of best airlines in the world based on its average rating stars!

Will you fly with Jet2 Airlines now??
Well I hope this has now brought Jet2 to your attention and you’ll think of them when you’re looking to book your next Holiday, City or Ski Break.. I know I will! 😉
I was invited on a press trip to Budapest by Jet2CityBreaks but all thoughts and opinions are my own.
Nellie Heaton
Thursday 25th of May 2017
Je2 has always been providing the best services. Whether they are the fares or the overall travel experience; Jet2 and its crew always manage to provide the best experience to their clients.
Also, they are northern and fly to the top UK locations, which make it the best airline of all. I always have the best experience flying with Jet2.