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U.K Muslim Women’s Retreat – Lake District Aug. Modest Fitness Retreat!

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After releasing a retreat for Muslim Women in Southern Spain in June 2022, and then another one in July 2022 because the first sold out in 3 DAYS! Abdiya and I decided our next location had to be the U.K,

And our long weekend retreat in August 2022 in the stunning mountains of the Lake District is now on sale…. with limited places!

Keep reading to find out all of the information! I will keep this post up to date with all of our retreats and the spaces available but the best way to get information is to follow Modest Fitness Retreats on IG @sistersgetawayofficial, and follow me on Instagram @_equinn too.

Muslim Women’s Retreat

19th to 22nd AUGUST 2022 – SOLD OUT

Click here to see upcoming retreats and availability!


3 Night Retreat,

4pm on 19th August to 10am on 22nd August 2022,

Near Coniston in the Lake District, U.K,

Classes and Sessions like Yoga, Qigong, Meditation, Self Massage, Dhikr Circles,

Activities like Hiking & Games,

Healthy Vegetarian Meals & Snacks,

Mountainside and Lakeside Location,

With likeminded Muslim Women from around the world,

The Wandering Quinn Travel Blog UK Muslim Women's Retreat, yoga room
Fancy doing yoga here with a stunning mountain and lake view??
The Wandering Quinn Travel Blog UK Muslim Women's Retreat, retreat centre front
Come stay in a beautiful home in the middle of the Lake District with us!

Our 4 Focuses For The Retreat:

  • Relax
  • Nature
  • Community
  • Wellness


We have stunning views of the mountains and of Coniston lake from all around the retreat centre and we want you to join our UK retreat to do what you need to do to relax!

Have a coffee in bed, have a tea in the gardens admiring the amazing view, journal by the lake, read in the library room, it’s up to you!

The Wandering Quinn Travel Blog UK Muslim Women's Retreat, bedroom
Wake up to views like this!


As Muslims, we always remember Allah SWT and his creation but sometimes this can be hard but there are not many better places in the UK than the Lake District to witness and admire Allah’s beautiful creation and world which is why we have chosen this location for our UK Muslim women’s retreat.

We’ll be surrounded by the mountains and water all weekend. We even have a dedicated sunset-watching spot! We can eat outside. We’ll be going on some hikes/walks in nature and we’ll constantly be saying ‘subhanallah’.

The Wandering Quinn Travel Blog UK Muslim Women's Retreat, garden
This is our garden!


The last 2 years have been really hard, especially for revert Muslims like myself. It’s been hard to meet people, hard to attend in-person classes and although the online community is amazing and I’m so thankful for it (it’s where Modest Fitness Retreats started after all), we feel it’s time to meet in person again.

To meet new people, learn things from one another, and make long-lasting friendships.

With the addition of recommended car-sharing and luxury dormitory-style rooms, you are going to meet sisters for life on this retreat inshallah.

The Wandering Quinn Travel Blog Muslim women's retreat, Ellie and Abdiya
Abdiya and I will be the retreat hosts and we met just a year ago through the online community!


Modest Fitness is all about promoting and encouraging a healthy lifestyle for women, which is how Abdiya & I first met and connected because we both feel so passionate about it.

How many times have we been on holiday only to come back feeling like we’ve put on weight, we need to go on a diet and feeling lethargic from such little movement on holiday, or feeling totally exhausted and in need of another holiday??

We want this short but impactful retreat to be a reset for our bodies. We want you to try out and learn practices that you can take away with you! Self-massage for our feminine health, Qigong to focus and quieten our mind, Yoga to stretch and work our bodies, and some hikes to get your heart pumping.

The Wandering Quinn Travel Blog UK Muslim Women's Retreat, yoga room
Fancy doing yoga here anyone??

UK Retreat for Muslim Women

We want you to come as you are to this retreat.

If you live in the UK and want to try out going on a trip by yourself for the first time but still be surrounded by trusting like-minded sisters, this is the retreat for you!

If you’ve been looking for a well-ness retreat but couldn’t find a halal wellness retreat suitable for Muslims up to now, this is it!!

If you’re tired of waiting for your friends and family to book a trip that you can go on, stop waiting and book this for yourself!

If you’re a new Muslim and still unsure of certain words and practices, that’s ok, we welcome you!

If you haven’t done yoga before, don’t think you’re fit or stretchy enough! That isn’t a reason not to come!

We just ask you to come as you are with a positive attitude and open mind.

The Wandering Quinn Travel Blog UK Muslim Women's Retreat, dining room
Join your meals outside or inside with this view!

The Wandering Quinn Travel Blog UK Muslim Women's Retreat, bedroom
The luxury style dormitories will have you leaving the retreat as close friends!

To Book:

If this sounds good to you and you can imagine yourself in the mountains of the Lake District connecting with a group of like-minded Muslim women then all you have to do is:

1. CLICK HERE to check availability,

2. Book a call in with one of us,

3. Jump on a 10-15 minute call so we can answer any questions you have,

4. Pay a deposit to confirm your place.

5. Get ready & get excited!

Follow @sistersgetawayofficial!

More photos for our retreat for Muslim Women in the UK:

The Wandering Quinn Travel Blog UK Muslim Women's Retreat, library room
I think a lot of chatting is going to go down in here!
The Wandering Quinn Travel Blog UK Muslim Women's Retreat, bathroom with a view
Now, this is a bathroom with a view!

The Wandering Quinn Travel Blog UK Muslim Women's Retreat, garden view
All of this outside space is for us to use!


Monday 10th of July 2023

Hello, can you email me details of upcoming retreats please, I would like to join


Monday 10th of July 2023

Hello, you can see all upcoming retreats and the spaces available here and arrange a call to book through this link too :)

Aniqa Khan

Thursday 6th of July 2023

Salaam! I have stumbled across your sight when looking for solo traveller groups. Everything looks and sounds great. I have tried to click the link for the lake district trip at the end of August but it doesn't seem to take me anywhere. Please can I get some more information about this trip. Thank you


Sunday 9th of July 2023

Salaam! I'm so glad you're interested but sorry you're having an issue. I will ask the Sisters Getaway admin team to email you about the August Lake District retreat! :)

Maryam Hanif

Sunday 24th of July 2022

Can you please advise if thier is a waiting list if any cancellations come up i would like to join. Also can you advise of a cintact number to get in touch jzk


Monday 25th of July 2022

Salaam, that's great to hear! If you click on this link and complete your details we'll have a record of you and we will send you details when we release another UK retreat as we do not have another one planned at the moment but we hope to run some next year inshallah :)


Saturday 23rd of July 2022

Salam - very interested in a halal retreat in the UK. When is the next one scheduled for please?


Monday 25th of July 2022

Salaam, that's great to hear! If you click on this link and complete your details we'll have a record of you and we will send you details when we release another UK retreat as we do not have another one planned at the moment but we hope to run some next year inshallah :)


Saturday 16th of July 2022

Salàm alykm sister just wanted to enquire about the retreat in Aug is there still availability and if so how much?




Monday 18th of July 2022

Salaam Nasreen. This retreat is fully booked but keep following us on Instagram and we'll share when the next UK one will be released soon inshallah :)