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How to Walk from Gare Du Nord to the Eiffel Tower in Paris!

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Paris is a big city but it’s also very walkable! Metro stops are everywhere but you quickly question your idea to get on at one stop and instead decide to walk towards the next and then before you know it you’ve practically walked your journey and seen the city properly rather than just seeing the underneath of it.

And that’s exactly what will happen if you want to go from Gare du Nord to the Eiffel Tower! Although you can go from Gare du Nord to the Eiffel Tower by taxi, bus and metro, you can also walk from Gare du Nord to the Eiffel Tower and in this Paris Walking Guide, I’m going to show you how!

Gare Du Nord to Eiffel Tower

The Wandering Quinn Travel Blog Gare Du Nord to Eiffel Tower
Keep Reading for how to get from Gare Du Nord to the Eiffel Tower!

Gare Du Nord to the Eiffel Tower Distance and Time Walking: 2-4 hours.

First off head towards Église Saint-Vincent-de-Paul from Gare Du Nord which is a really pretty Roman Catholic church with some cobblestone paths going down the side of it. (It was raining the day I went past and I had my luggage on me, so there’s no picture, you’ll have to see how pretty it is for yourself!)

Rue Montorgueil

Your next pin should be the top/north part of Rue Montorgueil (also, Rue is Street is French, just so you know as you’ll be seeing this a lot!), so from the above, walk down any street that takes your fancy until you reach Rue Montorgueil, this street is a walking street, and has been described as the finest market and shopping street in Paris as it’s filled with restaurants, cafes, bakeries, shops, market stalls etc. Its nothing ultra fancy but this is why I liked it, it reminded me of the real Paris and you’ll actually see locals hanging out here which is always good.

As i said, we happened to do this walk on a Sunday morning so it meant that this road was only just opening its shop doors so I definitely want to go back again when it’s fully open and bustling with life!

The Wandering Quinn Travel Blog Walk Gare du Nord to Eiffel Tower
The Wandering Quinn Travel Blog Walk Gare du Nord to Eiffel Tower

Wondering where to go after Paris? Check out this 2 week itinerary for Europe!

Rue Montmartre

Once you get to the bottom of Rue Montorgueil then take a right and you’ll come across Rue Montmartre (although don’t get confused with the actual Montmartre, that’s further North). We came across this road due to their Sunday market which is on from 7:00-15:00 and also on a Thursday 12:30-20:00 so if you’re there during that time then check out the local, fresh produce, if not then its worth taking a wander up the street anyway.

The Wandering Quinn Travel Blog Walk Gare du Nord to Eiffel Tower

River Seine

Be sure to head back down the street though towards the river, and keep walking straight down the gardens in front of you, down Rue Du Pont Neuf, until you reach the beautiful River Seine!

I walked along the Northside of the river right along the bottom which was really nice as you’re away from the main road but you still get to see a lot of sights even though you’re further down.

The Wandering Quinn Travel Blog Walk Gare du Nord to Eiffel Tower

10 Things On My Paris Bucket List!

Whilst walking along the river be sure to keep your eye out for the famous Love Locks. The Bridge Pont Des Arts was the famous bridge to hang your love locks on however due to the weight, in the middle of 2015 they took them all off and replaced the bridge sides with a clear screen however you’ll still find plenty along the river edges and on other bridges in this area.

The Wandering Quinn Travel Blog Walk Gare du Nord to Eiffel Tower

If you want to do a tour or pre-book a ticket ready for when you do this walk in Paris, the below options would work really well!

Rue Saint Dominique

After a few bridges and a bit more walking you’ll come to a bridge called Leopold Sedar Senghor and you can’t really miss it because it has lots of sections that go up and down it and this is the bridge that I suggest you take to get to the Southside of the River where you then need to keep walking straight, away from the River (don’t worry you’ll see it again soon) as you want to head to the start of Rue Saint Dominique.

This street starts off very quiet and gets busier the further up you get and for a while you really feel like you’ve really been thrown back in time to the old streets of the City!

The Wandering Quinn Travel Blog Walk Gare du Nord to Eiffel Tower

Cathedral Saint Louis des Invalides

Halfway up you’ll come across a big road (as seen below) and the gardens of the Cathedral Saint Louis des Invalides which is a very impressive building and in the summer months you’ll find lots of people relaxing on the grass in front.

The Wandering Quinn Travel Blog Walk Gare du Nord to Eiffel Tower

Eiffel Tower

If you wish to detour to see it properly then do but be sure to head back to Rue Saint Dominique as you now get to the section where all the cafes, shops and restaurants are and continuously up this road you’ll see the top of the Eiffel Tower poking out from the buildings which will get closer and closer until you cross another main road and stumble upon the lady herself!

This will end your walk from Gare Du Nord to the Eiffel Tower.

The Wandering Quinn Travel Blog Walk Gare du Nord to Eiffel Tower

The Eiffel Tower is such an amazing sight, whether you’re seeing it for the first time or the 50th time so make sure you take lots of photos from all angles, relax on the grass nearby or on one of the many benches, enjoy the view and rest your legs after the walk from Gare Du Nord.

The Wandering Quinn Travel Blog Walk Gare du Nord to Eiffel Tower

From here, Trocadero metro stop at the top end of the gardens of the Eiffel Tower is a good metro stop to take you back to where you’re staying, to Gare Du Nord or onto the next part of the city that you’re visiting!

If you’re arriving or leaving Paris by train, be sure to book tickets in advance on The Train Line for the best prices!